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Zona industriale Pirano, Tavullia
Str. Delle Campagne, 10
61010 Tavullia PU - ITALY
Tel. +39 0721 1839937
+39 0541 955062
+39 0541 1646150
FAX +39 0541 1641257
P. IVA e C. F: IT 04083110405
Reg. imp. di Pesaro N. REA - PS – 196574
- Soot cleaning machines for wood-fired ovens
- Soot cleaning machines for electric ovens
New UNI 10389-2 and UNI 11859-1 standards
based on water
Two UNI 10389-2 and UNI 11859-1 standards for biomass plants
The UNI 10389-2 standard for the analysis of combustion, draft and combustible humidity was published in April 2022 and this offers new perspectives to the market, because it is finally possible to distinguish clean combustion plants from polluting plants on which intervene with the necessary corrections or with the replacement.
The dust analysis has not yet been included, therefore installers and maintenance technicians of thermal power plants will still have to carry out the dust checks according to their own experiences, the manufacturers' instructions or rely on chemical laboratories.
The UNI 11859-1 standard indicates to the installer and maintenance technician the methods for checking existing flue systems, equal to UNI 10845 for gas.
Data Sheet
User Manual
Checks before installation UNI 11859-1
Before installation, the installer must ascertain the suitability of the chimney, for example by using the new UNI 11859-1 standard:
• Check for the presence of any ventilation opening free from obstructions
• General check of the chimney:
• Verification of the leak test certified by the chimney installer
• Verification of the safety distance certified by the installer of the fireplace
• Visual check: • Materials used and compatibility with the installation room
• Criteria for laying the smoke duct, chimney and any manifold
• Chimney pots and outlet quotas
• Internal and external state of conservation (e.g. by video inspection with UNI 10847 compliant rotary head camera)
With fireplaces without assessments, certifications and fireplace plates, the installer will certify them.
Single 230 - Three-phase 230/380
Code. STAINLESS steel.4.EBR 280
Television program
GreenBiz, with Marco Columbro
aired on SKY
(full bet)