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Zona industriale Pirano, Tavullia
Str. Delle Campagne, 10
61010 Tavullia PU - ITALY
Tel. +39 0721 1839937
+39 0541 955062
+39 0541 1646150
FAX +39 0541 1641257
P. IVA e C. F: IT 04083110405
Reg. imp. di Pesaro N. REA - PS – 196574
- Soot cleaning machines for wood-fired ovens
- Soot cleaning machines for electric ovens
based on water
In terms of immissions, noise represents the most frequent reason for disputes between neighbours, also and above all in the condominium sector. Article 844 of the Civil Code establishes that noise, smoke or heat emissions, fumes, shaking and similar propagations are illicit if they exceed the «normal tolerability».
Data Sheet
User Manual
Article 6.
1. The evaluation sound level relating to all the noise sources external to the disturbed place, with the exclusion of the noise produced by traffic, must not exceed the limits shown in the following table:
Maximum permissible limit
Area -----------------------------
daytime hours night hours
industrial zones 70dB(A) 70dB(A)
craft areas 65dB(A) 55dB(A)
urban residential areas
characterized by a
consistent presence
of shops, offices and
commercial companies 60dB(A) 45dB(A)
other residential areas
urban and agricultural 55dB(A) 45dB(A)
areas characterized by
presence of hospitals,
clinics, nursing homes and
rest, schools and the like 45dB(A) 35dB(A)
2. In the calculation of the Lv evaluation sound levels, to be compared with the limits referred to in paragraph 1, the following reference times must be taken into account:
a) four consecutive hours of the most disturbed day;
b) half an hour consecutive night more 'disturbed.
3. If the sound source is located in the same building as the disturbed room, yes apply the provisions referred to in paragraph 4.
4. The maximum allowable limits of noise from sources inside the building housing the disturbed location are as follows:
a) daytime hours:
1) the Lv evaluation sound level, calculated with respect to the reference time corresponding to the two most disturbed consecutive hours, must not exceed the sound level by more than 3 dB(A)
detected in the room in the absence of the disturbance;
2) the evaluation sound level Lv, calculated with respect to the
reference time corresponding to three consecutive minutes plus
disturbed, it must not exceed of over 5 dB(A) the sound level
detected in the room in the absence of the disturbance;
b) night hours:
1) For noises variables the evaluation sound level Lv, calculated with respect to the reference time corresponding to thirty minutes consecutive more' disturbed, must not be higher, with a tolerance of 1 dB(A), than the sound level detected in the local in the absence of the disorder;
2) For noises constants The level sound of the disturbance source, measured phonometrically with constant Of time "slow", no must be higher, with a tolerance of 1 dB(A), than the sound level found in the room in terms of noise in absence of the disturbance and in the absence of traffic.
5. In the calculation of the sound levels of noise, referred to in paragraph 4, the possible presence of pure tones must not be taken into account.
6. The limits established by paragraph 4 do not apply in the case of disturbance originating from musical instruments and to residential premises located in buildings in which work activities are carried out and which
found in industrial or artisanal areas.
7. The provisions of paragraph 4 do not apply to the noise caused by services and fixed systems of the building used for residential use common, which installations Of heating, air conditioning, plumbing drains, bathrooms, etc. The noise level of the aforementioned services, determined by the maximum level measured, according to
the A-weighting curve and the "slow" time constant, must not
exceed the following limits:
a) 40 dB(A) for discontinuous operation services;
b) 30 dB(A) for continuous duty services.
8. For existing buildings, in exceptional cases where interventions are necessary to comply with the limits indicated above prove to be objectively and seriously difficult to implement both from a technical and financial point of view, a derogation can be ordered by the competent provincial councilor, with the assent expressed by the 1st section for environmental hygiene referred to in art. 10 of the provincial law 20 January 1984, n. 2.
9. The sound level measurements of the centralized heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lift systems are carried out in the most disturbed environment and which in any case requires
greater stillness.
10. Measurements of the sound level of plumbing drains, bathrooms, toilets and taps and fittings are carried out in an apartment other than the one in which the service is used.
Single 230 - Three-phase 230/380
Code. STAINLESS steel.4.EBR 280
Television program
GreenBiz, with Marco Columbro
aired on SKY
(full bet)
We trust in his good sense of responsibility